Turnaround Integration in Trajectory and Network

The scope of TITAN encompass the processes included in the turnaround as well as those external services, which have a direct influence on it. Therefore, an extended handling view is ensured by including processes hitherto not, or not fully, considered in the Collaborative Decision Making view.

Turnaround delays constitute a very significant portion of total delay. The causes are many, including tight scheduling, technical problems, boarding issues, airport equipment, security measures as well as operational difficulties experienced by ground handlers. To some extent, most of the partners involved in the turnaround (airlines, airport operators and ground handlers) contribute at one time or other to the delays.

The specific problems affecting turnaround have not so far been analysed in a complex manner. Clearly, there is potential for improving the delay situation by reducing or eliminating the impact of factors adversely affecting the turnaround process. In particular, processes so far considered to be outside the core competence of collaborative decision-making can be seen as important sources of optimisation opportunities.

The TITAN project focused on the turnaround and produced an advanced operational concept embracing all the processes involved while being fully compatible with, and complementary to, the SESAR Concept of Operations. TITAN developed a decision support tool for the airspace users enabling them to make full use of the new turnaround concept. This tool provides data to other airport partners too (ATC, ground handling, airport operator), improving their decision making also.

For more Information please visit this page.

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